St. Martin's Wrestling - Metairie, Louisiana

1986 - Coaches Keith Hosli and Martin Muller (Asst.)

State Results - 179 Points, 3rd of 11 Teams, Division II (tied for the best team finish).

Notables: Five finalists and FIVE STATE CHAMPIONS!  Also, Anders Ryden placed third at 105#s, Brent Edwards placed third at heavyweight, Jim Anderson placed fourth at 112#s, Mark Altschul placed fifth at 138#s & Brian Berke placed sixth at 210#s.

Re the photograph below: Head coach Keith Hosli, standing left.  Assistant coach Martin Muller, standing right.  The following list runs from standing left-to-right to kneeling left-to right.

Name Grade Weight Opponent Score Notes
Mark Graffagnini Sophomore 126#s Danny Berghman - Buras Pin at 5:31 Second sophomore state champion
Blake Stevens Senior 185#s Kennedy Fontenot - Basile Pin at 3:10 Simply dominated everyone
Clay Tidwell Senior 145#s Mark Sonnier - Basile 5-4 Last moment switch with full confidence
Hans Ryden Senior 119#s Trey Picou - South Cameron 8-1 Second two-time state champion
Todd DeMonte Junior 167#s Chad Lavergne - South Cameron Pin at 3:07 Third two-time state champion

[Standing] Head coach Keith Hosli, Mark Graffagnini, Kevin Levy, Glenn Kelly, ?, Blake Stevens, Todd DeMonte, Mark Altschul, Vin Tangpricha, assistant coach Martin Muller.  [Kneeling] Hans Ryden, ? (gutsiest kid I can recall), Fred Stevenson, Anders Ryden, Jim Anderson.

[Based on the yearbook caption of this 1986 photograph, one might think that Martin Muller guy might have been pretty good as a senior, being that the implication means he would be close to 30-years-old by that time.]

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